Tag Archive for: Eco Living

Here’s how you can protect the Great Barrier Reef

Our national wonder, the Great Barrier Reef is as large as Italy, seen from space, and is home to many thousands of coral and marine life species. No action is too small to become a good friend to the Reef.

9 Life Hacks To Save Reefs From Home (And Save Money)

When it comes to saving our endangered coral reefs, many people think they need to actively join a cause to help. However, did you know you can make a real difference simply by changing your lifestyle a little? We have compiled a list of things you can do from home that will have a huge impact on reef health and our planet.

Simple Ways To Contribute To Reef Health From Home


1. Reduce Water

Install low-flow showerheads and take shorter showers. You could be saving at least $100 each year, simply by reducing your water consumption. Be sure not to leave the tap running for too long while washing hands or brushing your teeth. When you brush your teeth, think of the reef!

2. Change Your Aircon

Simply changing your thermostat from 21℃ to 24℃ degrees can reduce energy consumption by up to 25% and shave over $200 off your energy bill every year. You probably won’t even notice the 3-degree difference in temperature at home, but our oceans will thank you for it.

3. Recycle Containers

Bottles and containers can be reused many times. Try to refill your own bottle where possible and take it with you instead of buying a new plastic bottle or tin can each time you feel thirsty. When buying a take-away coffee, simply hand your barista your reusable coffee cup. You’ll both save money and help reduce landfills, which has a huge impact on carbon emissions.

Save Reefs From Home - Free PDF Download

4. Eat Less Meat

You don’t need to become a vegan or vegetarian to make an impact. Become a flexitarian! Simply reducing the meat you eat each week, you can make a real difference! Raising animals for mass meat consumption takes a lot of energy and is incredibly bad for the environment. There are fantastic alternatives to meat nowadays that taste delicious and are better for you.

5. Slow Down When Driving

Did you know you can save up to 30% of fuel just by reducing your speed when driving? Slowing down a little also reduces the risks of accidents and gives you more time to listen to your favourite music or audiobook.  Another great alternative is to use public transport where possible or – even better – get those dusty bicycles out of the garage!

6. Install a Water Tank & Plant Native Trees

If you have a backyard, you can install a water tank to collect rainwater for watering your plants. This can save you a couple of hundred dollars each year and will help our reefs stay healthy. Planting native trees is also a great way to save water, as they often require a lot less water and are easier to look after. It’s a win-win!

7. Reduce Food Waste and Packaging

Many plastics and other materials take hundreds of years to disintegrate and are incredibly difficult to clean up once they get into our oceans. This is not only harming our reefs but kills countless animals every year, like our cute turtles and many other endangered species. Try to buy foods that don’t require packaging. How much food do you throw away each week? Think before you buy to save money and our planet.

8. Change To Renewable Energy

Change from Electricity to solar! This could save you thousands in energy costs per year and drastically reduce your carbon footprint. At home, try to use LED lighting, which uses up a lot less energy, and try to avoid single-use batteries.

9. Embrace Second-Hand

Whether you need new clothing, furniture, or home wear, making use of pre-loved items is one of the best ways to reduce unnecessary landfills. If you have things you no longer need, pass them on to someone who does. Chances are you’ll make someone’s day. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!

10. BONUS: Share This Post!

Helping us spread the word about reef health and how your friends and family can help save reefs, too, is just one more way you can make a difference and contribute to a healthier planet.

There you have it. Lots of small, simple changes you can make at home with a big impact on reefs and forests. Because a healthier planet means a better life for all of us.

Thank you for doing your part in making our planet healthier!